Does it really make sense? “Desperate times call for desperate measures.” That’s like saying if you’re having a panic attack, pop an Adderall and lock yourself in a closet. In desperate times, the only measures to call on are calm and reason.
When we find ourselves overwhelmed by desperation, don’t you think it’s time for a fresh mindset and response?
Could be our emotional and mental health, family life, relationships, finances…
Desperate times can turn our lives into a living hell.
And when it goes down, calm and reason are quickly replaced with full throttle hysteria.
“Desperate times call for desperate measures?”
Okay, “Desperate times call for desperate measures.” No doubt, wise counsel if an 18-wheeler is coming at us. Short of that, beyond our fight/flight response, it doesn’t make a lot of sense.
Look, unless we’re divinely protected, we’re going to experience times of great desperation – with the belief that all hope is gone.
I’m going to risk a fat lip by suggesting such times don’t have to be perceived as the end of the world. Of course, that only happens if they’re managed well.
10 reasoned measures
In anticipation of the next dance with desperate times, let’s partner up with reasoned measures…
- Take a breath or two and get the lay of the land. Could this be a final settling of accounts? Perhaps the chickens have come home to roost and we’ll finally make things right.
- Is all the hub-bub being directed by our personal god (God)? And if we don’t have one, could this be an unexpected introduction?
- It’s time to find and hold on to who we know we are. It may be hard to believe, but we always have an identity.
- Allow the circumstances, and response, to evolve. It’s about patience and letting go.
- Is our situation taking us to people we really need to get close to? Maybe to people we’ve turned away?
- This is our very best possible learning moment and opportunity.
- It may sound cliche, but all sorts of character is being built – right now.
- Know what? The whole mess is very likely not quite as bad as we may think.
- How better to understand, and respond to, the suffering of others.
- It’s crucial to deeply believe we won’t perish.
- The outcome is intended.
Absolutely, add and delete as needed.
Just like you?
Just like you, I’ve known desperate times…
Times when things looked so bleak for so long, that I really wondered if life was worth it. Times when it took every ounce of strength to climb out of bed and face another day. Times when my spiritually barren soul pleaded for some version of a higher power to intervene – and provide comfort. Times when the concept of “tomorrow” wasn’t even conceivable.
Give it a go
When we find ourselves overwhelmed by desperation, don’t you think it’s time for a fresh mindset and response?
Believe me, I know it doesn’t come naturally, but just keeping calm and reason in our minds will make a difference.
Give it a go.
Plenty more Chipur info and inspiration articles where this baby came from. Review the titles.
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