The 1st Primal Law Blueprint is the basic description of everything our ancestors ate to obtain proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, phenols, fiber, water and others nutrients necessary for life. But it was a huge list of individual foods – some anthropologists say there could be 200 or 300 food choices at once depending on the geographic area. The net result was a dietary “distribution” of fats, proteins, and carbohydrates very different from what conventional wisdom considers optimal today.
This diet provided all the necessary fuel and building blocks that, when combined with specific exercises, prompted their genes to build strong muscles, allowed them to expend a lot of energy each day moving around, maintaining a system healthy immune system, grow bigger brains and raise healthy children. They also ate sporadically. When food was plentiful, they ate more than needed (and stored the excess as fat). When times were scarce, they survived on fat stores. This random or “non-linear” eating pattern kept their bodies in a constant state of readiness.
Today, we can focus on quality protein sources (all forms of meat, poultry, fish), lots of colorful vegetables, select fruits (mainly berries), and healthy fats (nuts, lawyers, olive oil). Observe portion control (calorie distribution) from week to week more than from meal to meal. Eliminate grains, sugars, trans and hydrogenated fats from your diet.
what to eat
The first Primal Blueprint law concerns the real food that our ancestors would have recognized. In other words, we eat the animals, vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds that our bodies are adapted to thrive on.
Eating animals: beef, lamb, bison, pork, Poultry (and their eggs). Service grass-fed and pastured animalswhich have better fatty acids and contain more vitamins and minerals (and taste better!).
Eating sea animals: salmon, sardines, trout, mackerel, crab, shrimp, oysters, mussels, clams. Wild fish are best, however farmed shellfish are usually farmed exactly like wild shellfish and are therefore fine.
Eat products at will: leafy greens of all kinds, colorful plants, berries, cruciferous vegetables, assorted fruits, roots and tubers.
Eat nuts and seeds: macadamia, walnuts, cashews, almonds, pecans, Brazil nuts, pistachios, hazelnuts; pumpkin, squash and sunflower seeds.
Use healthy cooking fats: butter (mostly grass-fed), coconut oil, olive oil, red palm and ordinary palm oil, gheeAnd animal fats (lard, tallow, duck fatetc.).
Stock of spices: keep plenty of herbs and spices on hand. Cumincoriander, thyme, rosemary, sage, chili powder, mint, turmeric, and Cayenne are some of my favorites, but you can use whatever you like. Spices and herbs add flavor to dishes and prevent the breakdown of vital nutrients during cooking. So when you add spices or herbs, your food tastes better and is actually healthier for you.
For a handy Primal grocery list with the above (and more), click HERE.
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